Aura Beauty Voucher

Aura Beauty Gift Voucher

  • Expires: 6 months after purchase date
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Aura Beauty gift vouchers make a great present. Why not treat someone or yourself to a treatment. Buy a gift voucher which can be redeemed against any treatment. Gift Vouchers are valid for 6 months and can be purchased for any value or any treatment available at Aura Beauty. Please note we do not extend any vouchers so be sure to use them within the 6 months.
Aura Beauty
13 Albert Road
United Kingdom
Tel: 07970227730

* Vouchers ordered through our Website will be delivered automatically by electronic means to the email address you specify at the time of order.
* Vouchers cannot be used to purchase another voucher.
* When ordering a voucher, you should ensure to enter the recipient’s email address correctly. We cannot be held responsible if the address is entered incorrectly and someone other than the intended recipient uses the voucher.
* Salon offers and promotions do not apply when purchasing gift vouchers.
* Vouchers are valid for the treatments as described on the voucher and cannot be amended, exchanged or refunded.
* All vouchers are valid for 6 months from date of purchase (no exceptions).
* Gift vouchers cannot be exchanged for cash.
* We are not responsible if a Gift Voucher is lost, stolen, destroyed or used without permission and no replacement will be provided in these circumstances.
* Gift voucher bookings must be made in advance and will be subject to availability. Online booking is not available when booking these vouchers.
* We do not extend any vouchers so be sure to use them within the timeframe.
* Cancelling with less than 24 hours notice or moving the appointment more than once within 24 hours notice will void the voucher.