Gift Vouchers - Skin

Yon-Ka Hydra | Detox | Men Express - Express Beauty Break
Yon-Ka Hydra | Detox | Men Express - Express Beauty Break

Aromatic discovery treatment for hydrating, purifying or anti-ageing. 30mins

Yon-Ka Hydralessence | Nutrilessence | Calmessence
Yon-Ka Hydralessence | Nutrilessence | Calmessence

Personalised treatment according to the needs of the skin : dehydrated (Hydralessence), dry to very dry skin (Nutrilessence) or sensitive with redness (Calmessence). 60mins

Yon-Ka Time Resist | Optimiser - Youth Enhancing Facial
Yon-Ka Time Resist | Optimiser - Youth Enhancing Facial

Personalised treatment to improve wrinkles (Time Resist) or firm the facial contours (Optimiser). 60mins

Yon-Ka Vitamin C25
Yon-Ka Vitamin C25

Anti-ageing, unifying and brightening treatment for sublime skin health. Smoothes wrinkles, illuminates and enhances complexion, clarifies and diminishes pigmentation irregularities. 60mins